2015 dodge ram 2500 Cummins v1.0 FS22
2015 dodge ram 2500 Cummins v1.0 FS22
Originally a dual rear wheel truck – expendebles. Removed original dually bed and replaced with single rear wheel bed. Added options and new wheels and tires
SRW Bed, third-gen steel wheels
Ram 2500 single cab long bedFender flares, fog lights, Laramie wheels,
Abe F 2020 mega cab ramStrobe light on top of cab
2017 Ford F550 single cabBackrack, fifth wheel/ gooseneck attacher
2020 GMC 3500 – Peyton, KalebToolbox, chrome steps
2005 Silverado regular cab – expendablesTonneau, some deere decals, cap
2020 super duty crew cab – chandler buchCummins sounds from EXP Single Cab RamARE DCU Cap is NOT from Joey MoscatoI ingamed the cap and made the doors open and close
The Expendables, Abe.F, Saul Mods, Seth White, NomadWulf, GV Canada, Richwoodrocket
Is it possible to get beacon lights on these cars?
Thats perfect pick-up ever until now. But there is a way to optimise it to reduce the FPS drop spikes?
I see the option to take the tailgate off and add a salter, but which one? The one in the game doesn’t attach to it.
somthing is wrong with the breaks, they hardly work.