Farming Simulator 22 – Money Cheat (unlimited money)

Farming Simulator 22 – Money Cheat (unlimited money)
Are you in a need of Farming Simulator 22 money cheat mods? We are here to tell you that if you use a PC computer when actually you do not have to use FS22 cheat mods.
Simply follow these steps to get money in Farming Simulator 22:
- Begin the game
- As soon as you start, save your game
- Go here: farmingsimulator2022/savegame1
- Find this file: careerSavegame.xml
- Open the careerSavegame.xml file with Notepad
- Find money=”1000.000″
- Change to: Money=”784″
- Save careerSavegame.xml file
- In the same savegame1 folder, find a file with the name: farms.xml
- Open the farms.xml file with Notepad
- Find money=”1000.000″
- Change to: Money=”784000.000000″
- Save farm.xml file
- Done
Are you interested in earning a lot of money in Farming Simulator 22? If the answer is yes, then we have a solution for you. It will be quick and easy too!
If you need more information on how to add more money to Farming Simulator 22, have a look at the video for more precise information.
In order to do it, you can use Farming Simulator 22 Money Cheat Xbox One and on PS4, or actually it works for all consoles.
Farming Simulator 22 Money Cheat PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series
Use Farming Simulator 22 Money Cheat PS4 and Farming Simulator 22 Money Cheat Xbox One, and other consoles generally.
How to earn money in Farming Simulator 22 game (Old Tutorial)
Are you interested in adding so many different equipment and vehicles in FS22 Money Cheat? What we’re talking about here can be so many amazing things – probably even things that only have dreamt about when playing Farming Simulator. You came to the right place because we will give you clear instructions on how to make some new things in your game that you imagine that you know very well! You can try to use FS22 money mod.
Before we get started
So, have you decided that you want to make more money during your game? If your answer is yes then you must know a few things. First of all, you cannot really leave the game during this process even for a short period of time. This is absolutely necessary if you want to become rich. For that, we recommend that you choose a controller with a wire, for example, something like Hori Pad Pro, or alternatively you can just use a wireless one for better results.
You need to make sure that your console does not switch off when you are using it. For Xbox One follow these instructions:
- Click twice on the Home/Xbox button to reach the guide menu.
- Find the Settings icon on the bottom.
- Choose All settings.
- Go to Power and start.
- Go to Power mode and start.
- Now you must change the setting from Turn off into Don’t Turn Off Automatically.
It actually does not matter whether you use this strategy for an already started game or an absolutely new one. We will explain where this can be used during any game. Firstly, let’s begin with the map of Goldcrest Valley. It is your choice if you want to keep your DLC on, but we would say that you can turn it off at the beginning.
Selling starting equipment
The main thing that you need is to create a design where all the money you need for bettering the game will be generated automatically while your game is on pause. FS22 Money Mod can be the perfect solution for this and you will be able to save money at the same time too!
As soon as you start your new save:
- Press the Shop button (View/Back on Xbox One) to start up the shop.
- Press the Garage button (Y on Xbox One) in order to see the equipment you have.
- Find every machine that costs 100 and more currency daily to maintain. The green money symbol in the description of your equipment represents all the costs.
- Click on all the items that cause you a lot of costs and sell them all.
- Try to sell at least these items: New Holland 8340, Case 1455 XL (2), Case 1660 Axial-Flow, and Case 1030 14FT.
Don’t forget that when you sell your vehicles, you actually make very little profit. When you give it away, only 23% of the machinery value gets back to you. However, as you probably might have guessed, we can offer you a way to get it all back in a few days only!
Borrowing more money
In order to start making a lot of money you actually need to have some amount of money already. If you do not have it, we suggest that you take a loan from the bank. It is possible to return it as soon as you become rich.
- Press the menu button (Menu/Start on Xbox One).
- Go to the Finances tab (Swap tabs for bumper buttons on Xbox One).
- Now choose 5,000 to borrow, for example. It should be in general the highest amount of money you can possibly take. The amount you have now in your account will be 250,000.
As soon as you become richer and a bigger amount of money, start investing that money into solar panels. The benefits of this are insane – you will get 110/h without actively doing anything and it requires zero maintenance cost. For example, in Farming Simulator 15 the profit was as high as 380/h, but 110/h is very good anyway.
Investing in solar panels
In order to buy solar collectors:
- Press the Shop button (View/Back on Xbox One) to start the buying.
- If you have Category sorting, just go to the Placeables.
- Pick a solar collector and put it in a place where it will not disturb any of your vehicles.
- Finally, just put the second panel next to the first one.
- You just spent 250,000.
As soon as you are set up with your solar panels, you can begin speeding up your cash flow.
- Press the menu button (Menu/Start on Xbox One).
- Go to the Game Settings tab (Swap tabs for bumper buttons on Xbox One).
- Set your Timescale to 120x.
- Turn off the withering of your plant. The other settings can stay on default in case of Easy difficulty.
- Finally, simply save the game (press the X button on Xbox One) and exit the menu screen.
Setting your timescale to 120s will result in sixty seconds, in reality, to turn into a whole hour in the game. This actually becomes that 1 minute in the real world happens to be two hours in the game. Therefore, you can earn 298 per minute with only one one of your solar collectors, so if you have two the amount doubles to 596 per minute. How cool that actually is? You can actually earn 35760 in one hour! This is actually incredible.
In order to afford heavy machinery that is in most cases quite expensive, you will be needing to own at least 8 solar panels. Your only goal will be to have the gaming running until you can buy as many panels as needed. You can choose to enhance your Achievement if you want, but this is not necessary. It is the most efficient to run your game during the night, but don’t forget to save it at all times!
Find a short breakdown of the amount of time that you will need to earn 125,000 money if you are buying the solar panels:
- Two solar panels: 3.5 hours
- Three solar panels: 2 hours, 20 minutes
- Four solar panels: 1 hour, 45 minutes
- Five solar panels: 1 hour, 25 minutes
- Six solar panels: 1 hour, 10 minutes
- Seven solar panels: 1 hour
- Eight solar panels: 53 minutes
Win with windmills
The second natural step in the same direction would be to buy a windmill. The generator is powered by wind energy, but it is expensive – 1 200 000. If you have one, it will earn you 1500 which is less than 4000 in Farming Simulator 22. Even with all the maintenance that it will be needing, the windmill will make you 2996 per minute, which equals 179 760 per hour in the real world. If you have it in addition to your solar panel, it will add up to 322 800 per hour and we think that it is quite a good amount to be adding to your accounts!
So, what do you need to do to own a 1 200 000 windmill? We calculated that you need to have 8 solar panels working for 8 hours and 24 minutes. That is the reason why we have already mentioned that it is beneficial to run your game during the night. In addition, if you do this, you will get ‘Peak Profits’ and ‘In for the long haul’ achievements.
As soon as you have 1200 00 in your account saved:
- Press the Shop button (View/Back on Xbox One) to start the buying.
- If you have Category sorting, just go to the Placeables.
- Pick out a windmill and place it somewhere next to your solar panels.
We definitely think that having a lot of windmills is a great idea because they will help you to earn a lot of money even after you exit the increased speed mode. Of course, it is on your shoulders to decide on how many to buy, but have a look at the calculations below to get an idea of how much time you will need to earn 1 200 000 if you decide to buy additional wind energy mills.
- One wind energy converter + eight solar panels: 3 hours, 44 minutes
- Two wind energy converters + eight solar panels: 2 hours, 24 minutes
- Three wind energy converters + eight solar panels: 1 hour, 45 minutes
- Four wind energy converters + eight solar panels: 1 hour, 24 minutes
- Five wind energy converters + eight solar panels: 1 hour, 10 minutes
- Six wind energy converters + eight solar panels: 59 minutes
- Seven wind energy converters + eight solar panels: 52 minutes
- Eight wind energy converters + eight solar panels: 46 minutes
Isn’t it clear already that having a great number of windmills will reduce the time you need in order to put an extra million into your bank account? But remember, as soon as you have finished earning it, go back to the normal speed and begin your journey with the new capacity that you’ve earned. Right now you definitely will be able to afford any vehicles and machinery that you need even if they are expensive. Finally, don’t forget about your loan that you need to pay back and enjoy being financially independent.
Congratulations, you’re a super-rich farmer now
Didn’t we tell you that buying solar panels and windmills will be extremely beneficial in Farming Simulator 22 Money Cheat PC? Just try to go step by step on all of our tips and tricks and you will become a millionaire in no time! Actually, when we calculated, it will take you only three days. That is not so hard, right? No time to waste here, just read everything and learn as much as you can because Farming Simulator 22 Money mod will be invaluable in your daily game.
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