FS22 GPS: Guidance Steering Mod

FS22 GPS: Guidance Steering Mod

There is one mod that probably you heard about before if you have been into your Farming Simulator 22 games. It is none other than GPS mod – some of the experienced players actually believe that without this mod, the game wouldn’t be as good as it is with it.

So, naturally, it makes sense that players already are asking about this mod and if it is going to be in the newest FS22 mods release. There is no announcement that GPS will be a part of the base game for Farming Simulator 22.

What is GPS Mod

Guidance Steering allows you to use different methods in order to create tracks. The AB point method requires you to set up two points (A and B) in order to calculate the steering angle. The A+heading method simplifies this setup by only forcing you to enter the desired steering angle.

However, we also know from Upsidedown – a quite famous modder – that he is currently working on Cattle and Crops. This means that he is occupied with something else and GPS mod might not be a part of Farming Simulator 22.

It seems that the only way GPS could become a part of the FS22 game is that someone decides to make it from the beginning. Moreover, we are confident that there will be attempts to simply adapt this mod to the new Farming Simulator 22. In that case,

Upsidedown will have to approve this new mod, which we believe is rather unlikely to happen. But you never know what can happen – GPS is an attractive mod to have, so it could be beneficial to approve it!

How to enable Guidance Steering (GPS)

You have to do this before you’re able to enter the menu:

  1. Enable Guidance Steering: left ALT + C
  2. Show Guidance Steering menu: left CTRL + S

How to install FS22 GPS Mod:

Windows: Copy the FS22_guidanceSteering_<version>.zip into your My Games\FarmingSimulator2022\mods directory.

If you downloaded the mod from here, you just need to move ZIP file to your mods folder.

Buying GPS for vehicle

To start using GPS, first, you need to buy it. Either buy a new vehicle and add the GPS configuration or drive your current vehicle to the shop and configure it there.

Why Guidance Steering is disabled?

When you buy the GPS configuration for the first time Guidance Steering is disabled. In order to turn Guidance Steering on and off hit alt + c

How to use GPS Mod

That’s right we finally have a GPS option in Farming Simulator 22! Now, this isn’t the actual GPS, this is the Vehicle Control Addon (VCA) Mod which has a simple GPS built into it!

Setting up the guidance line

AB Straight line

The AB mode requires two (AB) points in order to calculate the angle to generate the line.
Make sure that you selected the method in the menu!

  1. Drive to the location where you want to setup your lines.
  2. Hit alt + E once (or use the menu) in order to reset the AB creation.
  3. Hit alt + E once more (or use the menu) in order to set point A.
  4. Hit alt + E once more (or use the menu) in order to set point B which will create the track.

A+Heading line

The A+Heading mode requires only an A point and a cardinal angle in order to generate the line.

Make sure that you selected the method in the menu!

  1. Drive to the location where you want to setup your lines.
  2. Hit alt + E once (or use the menu) in order to reset the A+Heading creation.
  3. Hit alt + E once more (or use the menu) in order to set point A.
  4. Enter the desired cardinal angle (in degrees).
  5. Hit the button ‘Set Cardinal’ in order to create the line.

Auto width

Hit alt + R (or use the menu) in order to detect the width of your vehicle. Unfold and lower the vehicle to get the best results.

Increase/descrease width

Hit alt + plus and alt + minus in order to change the width manually. In the menu you can set the increment width in order to speed up the process.

Offset line

In the menu you can set the offset line. If the offset is not 0 a red line will show up. Use the increment width select box (the one at the top) to set the increment and click on the button Increment offset in order to offset your line. If you set the increment to negative it will flip the offset.

Shift track

Hit alt + page up and alt + page down in order to shift the track left and right. If you hold down the key the shifting of the track will speed up.

Realign track

Hit alt + home in order to realign the track with the vehicle.

Rotate track

Enter the strategy menu and hit the 90 degree button in order to rotate the current track.

Terrain angle snapping

If you’re not able to create straight lines yourself you can enable angle snapping in the menu. This will align the AB lines with the terrain.

Toggle guidance steering

Once a track is created hit alt + X to toggle the steering.

Headland control

You can set the current headland mode in order to change interaction with the headland.

When you set the mode on stop the vehicle will stop at the set interaction distance. When you set the mode on off the vehicle will only warn you at the set interaction distance.

Store and load tracks

It’s also possible to store the tracks and reload them. Open the second page in the menu in order to do it. This is also an easy way to share track data among other players in multiplayer.

Guidance Steering GPS Mod Review


Guidance Steering – GPS V2.0 (PC/MAC) – DE


GPS (Guidance Steering) Tutorial – IT


What is Farming Simulator 22 mods use for

Farming Simulator 22 game supports mods for PC, Xbox, or PS5. FS22 Mod is an extension file for the FS22 game. Everyone can create Farming Simulator 22 mod file and share it with our community. So, why do you need Farming Simulator 22 mods? for example, you have bored with the basic game version or want to try new vehicles such as tractors or combines which the game doesn't have. So Farming Simulator 22 developers decided to support mods that let players create their own FS22 maps, Trucks, Vehicles, and any item in game. So you can download Farming Simulator 22 Mods to upgrade the game and create your own game version. Here you will find the Best FS22 mods and Top FS22 mods for PC, Mac, Xbox, or PS5. Don't wait and choose LS22 mods category, download any mod for Farming Simulator 2022 you want and install the mod in FS 22. And the most important - Farming Simulator 22 mods is totally free and available to download all of them. Our Farming Simulator 22 Community goal is to create one of the biggest FS22 mods databases

Best Farming Simulator 22 Mods mods

40 Responses

  1. baertl says:

    thx for the mod

  2. DrainDoc says:

    Blows my mind how this mod is not apart of the vanilla game. Maybe not for all vehicles. But certainly for newer ones.

    • Farmer Joe says:

      Absolutely 100% agree it, really is QoL improvement for the franchise.

    • Make says:

      GPS steering is almost in every new tractor or combine, you should have update option in game if you like buy GPS steering, alot things what they should think when they make game.

  3. Horace H Helmsley says:

    I can’t believe how lost I am without it lol. I am all over the place hahahaha

  4. Jared says:

    I hardly want to play the game without this mod haha!!

  5. Toxic says:

    Wie schaut es aus wann kann ich mit diesem mod rechnen?

  6. christian says:

    when it comes out

  7. Teo says:

    Guys do you know it will be possible to download gps? 😉

  8. Fire says:

    there are like 10 mods that should have been in the vanilla game at launch and this is one of them. Precision farming is another giant dropped the ball TBH

    • GothicKing13 says:

      Although, I do agree with you for things like GPS, etc… GIANTS isn’t at fault for the Precision Farming “free” DLC. It’s not their work, they couldn’t put in the base game. Precision Farming is funded by EIT Food and led by John Deere, GIANTS is only backing the development of the mod.

      • Krysz says:

        and nobody at Giants has been fit enough to knock at EIT and JD’s door saying “hey folks, here’s some cash. now would you guys let us add Precision Farming to FS 22?”? Same for GPS Mod…”Hello Mr. Wopster, we’d like to buy your GPS Mod for to add it in our new FS 22.” It’s as simple as that.

  9. Gaisjin says:

    Is this Mod working on FS 22

  10. Roughy says:

    UGH, still waiting on this mod……..

  11. Donald says:

    is this mod out for pc

  12. Tekton says:

    Hallo any idea when this mod would be released for FS 22 I’m lost without it?

  13. joost says:

    When does it come out?

  14. Johan says:

    Can someone convert jones dairy farm from 19 to 22

  15. lulu says:

    il sort quand

  16. Mujo says:

    Nice one but it is really confusing, I still prefer the one from FS19

  17. Kyle says:

    Why is it when I use a tractor, the tractor starts to go back and forth in a snaking path, regardless of what’s attached?

  18. Ace says:

    The Controls key from the code files (I don’t even try all):

    vcaSETTINGS: lctrl + c
    vcaGLOBALS: lctrl + lalt + c
    vcaUP: rshift + up
    vcaDOWN: rshift + down
    vcaLEFT: rshift + left
    vcaRIGHT: rshift + right
    vcaSnapUP: lctrl + up
    vcaSnapDOWN: lctrl + down
    vcaSnapLEFT: lctrl + left
    vcaSnapRIGHT: lctrl + right
    vcaSNAP: lctrl + w
    vcaSNAPLEFT: lalt + a
    vcaSNAPRIGHT: lalt + d
    vcaSNAPPREV: lctrl + a
    vcaSNAPCONT: lctrl + s
    vcaSNAPNEXT: lctrl + d
    vcaSNAPRESET: lalt + w
    vcaSNAPDIST: lctrl + lalt + w
    vcaINCHING: rshift
    vcaKEEPROT: insert
    vcaKEEPROT2: lctrl + insert
    vcaKEEPSPEED: delete
    vcaKEEPSPEED2: lctrl + delete
    vcaSWAPSPEED: 4
    vcaDiffLockF: lctrl + rightbracket
    vcaDiffLockM: lctrl + quote
    vcaDiffLockB: lctrl + backslash
    vcaAutoShift: lctrl + leftbracket
    vcaHandRpm: equals” axisComponent=”+” ; minus” axisComponent=”-”
    vcaLowerF: lshift + v
    vcaLowerB: rshift + v
    vcaActivateF: lshift + b
    vcaActivateB: rshift + b

  19. Ace says:

    I Can’t even post all the controls keys. The moderators don’t accept you have all the key from the code files.
    They deleted the post (22 inputBinding from modDesc.xml). The mod description is out of date…

  20. Ace says:

    Sorry It’s here ^^
    It take a time to review I suppose

  21. IMBACalimba says:

    Mod is not working for me on my FS22 Server.

    I cant use any of my cultivators because if im using a tractor there is no collision and the cultivator starts rubberbanding and just stays at the position where i mounted it with the tractor.

  22. Ace says:

    New Control:

    -SHOW UI: lctrl + S
    -TOGGLE: lalt + C
    -SETPOINT: lalt + E
    -SET AUTO WIDTH: lalt + R
    -ENABLE STEERING: lalt + X
    -AXIS WIDTH: lalt + equals / lalt + minus
    -AXIS SHIFT: lalt + pageup / lalt + pagedown
    -AXIS REALIGN: lalt +home
    -ROTATE TRACK: lalt + end

  23. p1stehSUXork1nq says:


    I can’t activate this mod. It’s ask me to activate in menu, im activating but when i load game, its disappear. not work. Each time same. asking on menu but when start game, its not work.

  24. james walker says:

    is this mod dead its installed but not showing up in the mod menu before i start the game

  25. Foxicraft says:

    Where do I download the mod?

  26. FruitsaB says:

    When is there gonne be a version for cross-play, me and my friends are waiting for it since release

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