2020 RAM 3500 SINGLE CAB LONG BED v1.0 FS22

2020 RAM 3500 SINGLE CAB LONG BED v1.0 FS22
2020 Ram 3500 Single Cab Long Bed converted from FS 19.
I redid some options, fixed some bugs, and made the file size smaller. This truck has tons of options, too many to list. I removed the color picker for the front end and added trim levels, Tradesman, Big Horn, and sport appearance package for the color-matched front end to be more like the real truck.
The Expendables, Abe.F, Saul Mods, Seth White, NomadWulf, GV Canada, Richwoodrocket
Will this become available for console anytime soon?
Never, unless someone makes a debadged version.
i have this mod for 19 and wanted to know what happened with the beacons
Unfortunately the gooseneck does not attach to the horse trailer.
horse trailer is a 5th wheel hitch not goosencek