Fermenting Silo v0.8 FS22
Fermenting Silo v0.8 FS22
With this fermentation silo you can turn grass, hay and chopped material into silage.
This mod is currently a beta version.
This beta version can also turn straw into silage and, as a bonus for testing, can also be bought for 10,000 euros. With the release version that I submit to the Modhub, this will no longer be possible, because the Modhub would definitely reject straw silage.
The Silo is working well. I have suspicion that the silo itself broken somehow the renaming of the buildings in the game. Since I have the silo (bonus) on map and tried to rename it, I see only the first 3 letters of the building name (any building, not only silo) in the rename dialog and cannot write there more than 3 letters.
Now I can confirm that the renaming issue is caused by the long default name of the silo. I have renamed it manually in savegame .xml and renaming in-game works well again.
I see this silo creates digestate, but I can’t seem to use it to fill a spreader. Will this be addressed in an update?