Prestige Valley 4x v1.0 FS22
Prestige Valley 4x v1.0 FS22
Prestige Valley is a fictional American map. It is a 4X map with 158 Fields and 6 different building areas for farms. This is my first map and probably isn’t the best as I was learning the editor but i figured I would release it as in my opinion it is a pretty decent map.
Downloading now! Congrats on your first map
Couldn’t sell eggs, wool, stopped playing after 4 hours wasted.
Game freezes at 65% and won’t load
The map itself looks nice, only thing I’m stumbling over so far, is the fact that practically EVERYTHING is placed in one area!!!
My suggestion; spread the selling points, factories,… a bit out.
Nice map, but maybe consider spreading some of the companies, selling points etc. across the map. everything in one place isn’t very exciting.
Não tem como plantar arvore em local nenhum. There is no way to plant a tree anywhere.
You probably encountered the ‘too many trees’notification…
Fertilization is also buggy, requires limestone after every harvest (normal map is every 3), it is fertilized level 2 directly at planting, and productivity is only 30% fertilized and 50% yield.
Where standard fertilized map level 1 is 50% and level 2 is 100%