A19 Region Oranget v1.0 FS22

A19 Region Oranget v1.0 FS22
We have decided to do this ultimate sharing with you.
Here is our converted map by our teams.
Best wishes to you all.
Welcome to the Oranget region. With the large town of Oranget at its heart, this region is served by two highways. Agriculture and forestry are very present in the territory. You can also enjoy Lac d’Oranget, the region’s tourist hotspot.
This card offers you several possibilities:
– Management and operation of highways
– Agriculture (PLEASE NOTE: the card is not intended for breeding)
– Forestry (sawmill sale of wood and chips)
– Public works and landscaping
– Role Play simulation and emergency service
Acknowledgments and Credits:
FTmodding (motorway and toll),
FredZaza (for the TP fruit),
My7Farmer (free buildings),
Oxygendavid (various radar scripts, hedge foliage),
FMFS (special buildings – police station, hospital, etc.),
SoModding, WiZA (farm building takeover),
L66 (3D SketchUp road markers),
Senjer (3D SketchUp highway signs),
Mickael L (3D SketchUp signs and traffic lights),
And thank you to everyone we forgot to mention.
Autoroutes du 19
Map does not show in starting list, either is wrong file, or this is not converted fs19.
La map ne fonctionne pas. Quelqu’un peut-il comment on fait pour elle fonctionne. merci
Unfortunately doesnt show up as a map after unzipping and putting it in the mods folder
Dont appear ingame
i cant see this map in the game. how can i install?
Yet another “converted map” that doesn’t actually work. Shows up as a mod, but not as a map. 0/10 Does not work.
The map is not in the selection when starting the game
can anyone advise me where the mistake is?
Doesnt work for me
When i open my game the map doesent apear in the map selection
on la trouve pas dans le démarrage du jeu, corrigé vos erreur avant de sortir une maps merci cordialement
does not appear ingame
E pena disponibilizarem mapas que nao valem nada.
isso tambem eu sei fazer
the map dont show up at all i downloaded it dont know how menny times and it dont show up does this need to be unzipped ??