Agricultural Land v1.0.7 FS22

Agricultural Land v1.0.7 FS22
The map is integrated under the mandatory Production Revamp mod!
– On the map, you can collect a collection of toys, as well as on the default one;
– New crops – alfalfa, buckwheat, carrots, onions, clover, hops, flax, mustard, peas, raspberries, rye;
– 110 new types of products;
– There are 15 factories and 7 orchards;
– Meat Factory (Pork, Beef, Lard, Cow Skin)
– Orchards: apple, pear, plum, peach, apricot, cherry, sweet cherry;
– Bakery (9 types of bread);
– Brewery (2 types of beer and kvass);
– Carpentry (empty pallets, barrels);
– Dairy plant (Kefir, yogurt, condensed milk);
– Grain cleaning, grain dryer;
– Flour mill (10 types of flour);
– Cereal plant (7 types of cereals, 4 types of flakes);
– Oil extraction plant (Linseed oil, cake, default oils);
– Cannery (9 types of juice);
– Sawmill (timber, chipboard, paper);
– Sewing factory;
– Sugar factory (cane sugar, beet sugar, bagasse, pulp);
– Winzavod (6 types of wine);
– All standard products that were made in standard factories have been removed or redone;
– Grain that is immediately removed from the field, not cleaned or dried, costs 5% less;
– Changed the temperature on the map;
– Cake was added to the mono-mixture recipe for animals, you can buy it, or get it from the oil extraction plant;
– From flax you can get raw flax straw, which must be dried with a tedder, then you can pack it in bales, then sell it or use it in a garment factory;
– Raspberries and Hops are planted in the same way as olives / grapes, and harvested with the same harvester, but a separate harvester is needed for each type (the convention of the game, perhaps in the future it will be redone);
– Onions and carrots require their own harvester. You can buy in the CARROT and ONION section in the store;
– By default, only 2 factories, a mill and a bakery are placed on the map, the rest of the factories can be bought through the menu;
– There are many sites on the map that you can buy and place your objects there;
– Animals on the map are not placed by default, everyone can put it as it pleases;
– There is a BGA for 1 MW that you can buy;
– Compost is made from organic waste, bran, bagasse, waste that can be obtained from factories (mill, cereal factory, sugar factory) then you need to buy a special compost pit, and just like silo, you need to compress and wait for fermentation (compost is needed in gardens);
– Fuel prices were raised from 1.250 to 6.200 per ton, because in our opinion 1.250 is not enough, and it is practically not noticeable against the background of everything, a diesel plant will be added in the future (we are also testing with fuel prices);
– There are 79 fields on the map, from 0.4 HA to 135, with a total size of 1016 HA, both smooth and curved, for every taste;
– There are forest areas ranging from 300 to 4.500 trees, the total number of trees is about 10.000;
– The map is not littered with unnecessary decor, and has good performance;
– Card size: 4x;
– There is car and pedestrian traffic.
– There are 2 trains on the map, for the transportation of grain, equipment, and the export of grain abroad.
refaceti harta agricultural land la preturile alea nu poti cumpara terenuri
super mapka
nie chce mi zadziałać 🙁 wczytuje mapkę , i po wciśnięciu Enter nic się nie pojawia
Does not want to work at all. After various tricks helped some, it will not play for me at all. Got it from different sites and can play tens of thousands of other maps but not this one.
helo van mikor munkaerö ösze visza dolgozik és 1 mezöt nem lehet megvásárolni betakaritani se de tetem egy gyárat rá és igy jo gyümölcsös tecik a legjoban többi terménytipus hogy tudom beszerezni ültetni ? jó kis térkép tecik ha lehetn megnagyobitani 8x vagy 16x re az jo lenne de ugy hogy a jelenlegi mentés jo legyen hozá köszi