ANDYsMODDING – Tuning Pack Version V1.1 FS22

ANDYsMODDING – Tuning Pack Version V1.1 FS22
Maybe you know my modding pack from LS19, now today comes the first version of my tuning pack in LS22.
Fendt 700 Vario
Color selection
Design colour selection
Design selection
Rim color selection
higher top speed
Fendt 900 Vario
Colour choice
Design colour choice
Design selection
Rims color selection
additional engine design
higher top speed
Fendt 1000 Vario
choice of colours
Design colour choice
Design selection
Rims color selection
more engine choices
higher top speed
Bredal K105
Color choice
Design color choice
Rim color choice
Higher working speed
Bredal K165
Color selection
Design color selection
Rim color choice
higher working speed
Bredal K165
Color selection
Design color selection
Rim color choice
higher working speed
Mach Till 261
Color selection
Design color selection
Rim color choice
higher working speed
Lizard MKS 8
Color selection
Design color selection
Design selection
Rims color selection
selectable capacity size 8,000l, 16,000l and 32,000l
Lizard MKS 32
Color selection
Design color selection
Design selection
Rims color selection
selectable capacity size 32,000l, 50,000l, 75,000l and 100,000l
DALBO Maxi Roll 630 Greenline
Choice of colours
Design color selection
Rim color selection
Higher working speed
DALBO Mega Roll 2430
Color selection
Rim color selection
Higher working speed
From AGCO 650kg to 2,300kg
Matching color selection to color & design selection
From Fendt 3,300kg
matching color selection to color & design selection
Modell: GaintsTextur: GaintsScript: Idee / Konzept: ANDYsMODDINGTester: ostseefarmer, 21john, schnellbauer83, Dieter2902, Karl-Heinz, BetaHydri, Bandes, DessertfoxSonstige:
Danke für deine tolle Mod
leider bekomme ich in der LOG immer diesen fehler : Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod fs19_AMmods_pleaceable
Available mod: (Hash: 8242d469a803b23da9461f0ecd2bf92c) (Version: 1.5) fs19_AMmods_production
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod fs19_AMmods_production
Available mod: (Hash: 6303fc5eadfd8eb3f2a7682cb46ed36a) (Version: 1.5) fs19_AMmods_storagePack
Error: Unsupported mod description version in mod fs19_AMmods_storagePack
Available mod: (Hash: 1468e5bdb666fd4546b6630698de77d8) (Version: 1.5) fs19_AMmods_TuningPack
hast du einen tipp wie ich den fehler weg bekomme?