Animalcreek V1.0.1 FS22

Animalcreek V1.0.1 FS22
Version 1.0.1
Sound Errors fixed!
Collectibles fixed!
Converted Elmcreek Map
In the large yard are obstructed.
Large cow barn with feeding robot(160 cows)
Large pigsty
Large sheep barn
Large horse barn
Large chicken coop
Multisilo 2 million capacity
Straw and hay storage
Small shelter
Bulk storage shed
3 drive-through silos
2 starting fields
Fields have been adjusted (enlarged,helper friendly,more fields)
126 Buyable areas (forests,meadows,fields)
The prices of land have been completely revised. This means a meadow area is e.b much cheaper than arable land.
Purchasable areas.
About feedback, I would be very happy
PS: be merciful with me this is my very first mod^^
Modell: Textur: Script: Idee / Konzept: S1m4lTester: S1m4lSonstige:
feeding robot not working
Maybe an odd question, did you add the mineral feed into as well?
Everything seems to be working just fine, except for the contracts!
I have got problem with chicken coop. Pallets are stacking max to 2 or sometimes even to 1
Where can i find the Goldcrest Valley drop point?
Hi can you make the corner buyable? When all farms buyable than is this map perfect