AutoDrive V2.0.0.7 + AutoDrive Course Editor FS22

AutoDrive V2.0.0.7 + AutoDrive Course Editor FS22
For a little thank you
If you like our work, feel free to buy us a coffee (of which we drink quite a lot)
For now, there is no general link for the team, so each contributer can post his/her preferred donation link here
But remember, this is absolutely not required. We value any issues and feature requests the same!
And to all who do donate: Thank you very much
AutoDrive Course Editor
Java version greater than 13 is required. JRE or JDK are both possible. Current Java versions can be downloaded here Installation instructions can be found here
The Editor works with configs generated by the FS19 + FS22 versions of the mod.
Start AutoDrive Course Editor
The editor can be started using the supplied CMD file: “Open Editor with Console to see errors.cmd”. The editor can also be started from the command line: java -jar -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m .\AutoDriveEditor.Jar
The editor will create the log file autoDriveEditor.log, which is used for later troubleshooting. This file has a maximum size of 20MB. A maximum of 3 version files are then created.
Map Images
I maintain another repository of map images that are ready to use with the editor.
Go here or download AutoDrive_MapImages-main file below. Do you have any map images that are not on the repository?, please consider doing a pull request to add to the collection, it will help other people.. Help with pull requests can be found on GitHub Docs
AutoDrive Course Editor Changelog:
Update to v0.90.0
Added support for larger map sizes
Added internal support for variable size heightmaps
Added option to export a heightmap to use as the default heightmap
Node size can now be configured ( only through config in this version, next version preferences window)
Height Maps will be automatically downloaded and used if they are found on the MapImages GitHub
Fixed connection arrows not scaling properly to node size
Adjusted some locale strings
Minor bug fixes
Combine pre-call level not working
Unfortunately some option don’t work :
– repeater, how many times should do go around.
even if I didn’t set up just go again and again…, when set up on 1 or 2 still going again and again.
Never ended till switched off.