AutoDrive v2.0.0.9 FS22

AutoDrive v2.0.0.9 FS22
Bug fixes and improvements:
Fixed various issues with the PnH DLC
Fixed distributed load counter (counts down after each load) #532
Delete the last waypoint of a leg if it is a dead end
when an AD driver refuels or repairs, other AD drivers are immediately assigned to the harvester
Problems AD downhill in connection CP-ÜLW fixed
various problems with ÜLW fixed #575 #654 #686
In multiplayer, the vehicle affiliation plays a role in the sale of goods #39
Krone GX520 does not close flap #561
empty fruit selection in bale collectors leads to errors (selection of bales not necessary) #596
Vehicle settings (e.g. pick up & drop off) disappeared after a restart #609
Attachments do not fold when CP is interrupted #618
reduced speed when a conveyor belt is attached #673
Drescher drives with stairs to working position #679
when collecting bales with CP and driving down with AD, there were performance losses (CP-AD-ping-pong) #750
Route network for the helper.
This mod allows to record a network of routes,
to then drive a vehicle from any point to specially defined destinations,
such as your own farm, field 1 or to any point of sale.
Bug fixes and improvements:
no collision check for active conveyor belts
user settings were not saved
poderia adicionar uma funçao pra poder escolher a distancia vertical que o trator acompanha a colheitadeira,pq as vezes nao da certo pq o trator fica muito pra tras