Balling technology and hay on Farming Simulator 22

Balling technology and hay on Farming Simulator 22
Balling technology does the important job of taking grass, straw, or hay, turning them into bales and wrapping them. Cutting grass lets you produce hay or straw. Then you can collect all of it with a loading wagon, a forage harvester fitted with a suitable header, or a baler.
Bales are by far the most convenient option to load, store, and transport. A bale has a total capacity of 4,000l and they can be either cubes or cylinders.
- Baling technology
- Bale collection
- Bale transportation
Baling technology
There are three types of machines, suited for making bales:
- New Holland Roll-Belt 150 – it produces cylindrical bales, but overall, it’s not a very efficient option, not worth any of your attention.
- KUHN LSB 1290 D – this machine can produce square bales, the ones that can be picked up and collected using a loading wagon.
- KUHN FBP 3135 – this baler includes two features exclusive to it. The first one is the fact the bale doesn’t have to be placed on the ground – it can be immediately stored at the back of the vehicle. Therefore, the bales can be unloaded in twos, massively speeding up the collection process. Also, the bales can be automatically wrapped, turning them into silage after 24 hours.
If you haven’t purchased the KUHN but still want to make silage out of your wrapped bales, the best solution is to get the KUHN SW 4014. This machine will wrap both types of bale as they are on the ground.
Bale collection
In order to collect the cubic bales, there are two machine options to choose from:
- Arcusin ForStack 8.12 – you can collect three bales and vertically unload them at your desired spot. It’s a solid unloading experience.
- Arcusin FSX 63.72 – it can pick up up to 16 bales and transport them wherever. It also allows for a smooth unloading experience, as they make loading bales to a semi-trailer a lot easier. Same works for storing bales as well.
Other machines that work on collecting bales:
- Fliegl Schmetterling – it collects cylinder bales. Simply attach this to your tractor and deploy it to action. Once it is fully loaded, the machine can squeeze the bales for easier transportation. This machine can actually take a good bit of practice, but when mastered, it works really well with KUHN FBP 3135, unloading two bales right next to each other.
- Front loader attachments – front loaders (not wheel loaders) can use attachments for making loading and collecting bales much easier. There are options with rollers and pick the cylindrical bales off the ground, and handlers that work on either type of bale. After a bit of work, a roll-type fork can pick up two bales at once – and they also work with pallets.
Bale transportation
Various vagons and trailers work for transporting bales. The Strautmann SEK 802 is the cheapest option that works very well for moving a smaller number of bales.
Fliegl DPW 210 is a superior option if you work with a larger number of bales. It’s a cage-style trailer that opens on one side, making accidental falls much less frequent, both during loading and transportation process. The attachment works on nearly any vehicle. You can also use this trailer for transporting pallets as well.
Stepa FHL 13 AK is an alternative trailer option. Found in the Forestry Equipment category, this trailer includes modifications such as a gripping claw as well as an under-carriage for cylindrical bales.
Also, the Goldhofer STZ-VP 3 is a low-bed trailer that massively reduces the possibility of bales falling off during transportation.
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