Big River x16 V0.0.0.1 BETA FS22

Big River x16 V0.0.0.1 BETA FS22
Just wait the loading screen is stuck at 65% it just takes a little bit!
The basic framework in terms of roads and terrain is from WildWestx16 from LS19, roads textures are new and yes I’m not happy with them yet either :/ otherwise, the build is completely new except for the port which is in the same place.
Please note it is the BETA version! I’m modding completely alone therefore it takes a bit until new versions are released(currently I’ve worked 3 weeks almost daily hours on it >.<)! Currently does not go on optics for now my focus is to create a working map if that all fits it goes on with decorations 😀
And PLEASE tell me bugs, visual bugs, etc with a 16 tray map it’s hard to look at everything
98 fields from 0.9-670 acres
Large farm area with an adjacent flat area to expand the farm!
Road lanterns with no collision! (Autodrive and courseplay friendly)
Pigs, sheep, and chickens were obstructed at the farm. The cowshed is tucked away a bit from the farm(the reason for this is the feeding robot so there is not always something in the way).
Water can be taken from the lake
5 large construction areas
Large BGA with 3 large silos
2 gas stations
3 lime stations
10 sales points (+2 stone sales points)
11 Productions(the area where the buildings are located are yours once you buy a factory)
Lime sellable(in the modhub there is a mod to make lime from stones)
Fertilizer/Seed sellable(there is a mod for seed and fertilizer production from FedAction)
Mixed ration/fodder sellable
Grass/hay/straw/silage can be sold as bales or with a trailer!
Growth made faster for those playing without Seasons
Large 16mio multisilo
Modell: Textur: Script: Idee / Konzept: S1m4lTester: S1m4lSonstige: Cazz64
ok i would love to help you get this map going but who should i contact and send pics to etc etc
There seems to be an invisible wall where the original map size ends.
is there any way we could get multiplayer support for this?
file corrupt wont upload to server
I really love this map but its feel laggy when i played it (i set setting to low and it still lag). No other map has issue like this one. Hope you can fix it. Thank you
Great map, will be playing this a lot. I have a couple of things, the chicken coop either should have some fence removed behind it to make it easier to fill with grain or be moved. On the way to the fast food restaurant from the farm, the road near the over pass has grass growing on it. I have an OP computer, so this runs fine for me, but would not recommend running this on a potato.
Merci 🙂
Found a Glitched Bridge between 66+40. Also if you want help with testing let me know
Verry nice map!
Few improvements:
– Some roads at bridges are sticking out, not a smooth drive.
– The AI drivers only drive on the left side of the road while the AI is driving on the right.
– bridge between 73 – 43 is bugged aswell. Can’t pass it.
Other than this, amazing map. I would be carefull with all the fencing though. Everything is fenced of xD
die karte ist super hat aber einen grafierenten fehler mann kann keine brücken pasieren da auf jeder brücke ein hinternis ist
Please add ai traffic
This Map was my favorite in fs19, now it is even better in fs22, if you solved the problem of invisible walls on the bridges it would be perfect.
PLease bear in mind Cazz 64 has had nothing to do with the making of this map. His name was used without his permission. Do not cantact him for any reason about this map.
I confirm…file corrupt wont upload to server….
It sounds to me like if someone has a ps4 they are out of luck.
same problem,
cant upload it to Nitrado, anyone a idea?
selbes problem,
kann die map nicht zu nitrado hochladen, jemand ne idee?
Terenurile sunt prea scumpe este frumoasa harta dar sunt baguri rezolvati problema cat mai repede
Nagyon jó map, én 19 ben csak ezzel játszottam! Jó lenne ha az online részt megcsinálnátok illetve az előttem hozzá szólásokat is javítanátok/ Hídak, útak/ Valamint mivel 16x mapról beszélünk az autodrive se lenne rossz hozzá. köszönöm. Remélem hogy minnél hamarabb online játszhatunk rajta 🙂
bridges cannot be crossed, there is an invisible wall
Had to delete this mod. How are you supposed to move equipment around like the JD x9 and header with all the dam trees and fence all over the place!