Bourgault pack DLC v1.0 FS22

Bourgault pack DLC v1.0 FS22
Conversion of Bourgault Pack DLC from Farming Simulator 19.
BOURGAULT – 3320-76 Paralink Hoe Drill – Seeder
BOURGAULT – 3420-100 Paralink Hoe Drill – Seeder
BOURGAULT – 7950 Air Cart – Seeder
BOURGAULT – 71300 Air Cart – Seeder
BOURGAULT – SPS360-50 – Cultivator
BOURGAULT – XR770 Harrow – Weeder
BOURGAULT – FMS CD872-8 – Seeder
GIANTS Software,Big-Russian-Bear,Danster - Conversion
Very broken on a dedicated server. The toolbar alone is nearly impossible to pull, it just slides. The cart physics are even worse.
Worked fine in single player.
Just tested it in MP found nothing wrong i dont have access to a dedicated server so unable to see if any issues this was my first mod conversion so i probably dont know what the issue is
I think it may need the steering fix script from the original pack, everything only goes the direction the rear wheels are facing. I tried converting the L64 file to .lua but had no luck
Awesome pack but only useable in single player. On our server both of the aircarts and large seeders are completely broken sliding even if pulled by itself without the other component. Would love to see this fixed as I am not a fan of the seed hawk the only other option at the moment.
The weeder doesn’t work on grass like the weeders do from the game in SP. It doesn’t reset it to stage 1 growing with 100% fertilizer
I get the same issue! Dedicated servers seem to cause a few bugs, even with some of the base game gear. For example I noticed the round cotton bale grabber hydraulics won’t work on a dedicated server. Hope they fix all these issues soon