The CATERPILLAR D8K2 made its appearance on FS22. It’s all just coming out of our factories. Bigger, more efficient, more powerful, faster, that are little brother the D6K2, BULLDOZER is really brilliant. 48tons Lights. Sounds. blade 3 settings. height, vertical angles, horizontal angles. Ripper. Fully functional!
Thanks, been waiting for a dozer, is there a method to connect the blade? the ripper connects just fine, but nothing on the blade when I pull up to it
it works just attach point is right underneath it you go to get right on top of it
Driller314 ah.. got it thanks 🙂 not working with teraform but still nice!!
np man yeah wish terra form worked as well but nice lil mod
How do i attach the front blade?
Once you get the blade connected the mod is awesome! The problem is that you have to drive on top of the attachment – literally on top of it – to connect. Kind of a bad way of doing it, but at least it works.
Beautiful machine, it gets stuck on flat ground when pushing piles of pay dirt towards a conveyer. The blade having a fill limit like a front end loader is a little silly. It’s a blade not a bucket. I had to push the front blade against a car in the parking lot and mount it to get it to attach. Thanks for the mod just needs some fine tuning.
Can i get this for ps5? and how ?
No, unless someone converted it to Lizard and uploaded it to GIANTS.
Can we get this on the ps4?
Will someone please make the dozer available for ps4 it and the excavator was the only reason I really bought the game and I’m unable to even get it