Butchery extended v1.0.0.2 FS22

Butchery extended v1.0.0.2 FS22
The butchery expands processes cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and goats into meat.
Roosters and drakes can now also be processed between 3 and 5 months
With the help of animal transporters, the production can be supplied via the animalTrigger.
Production Revamp and Enhanced Animal System is mandatory.
The delivered animals are converted to a new fillType and credited to production.
Cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and goats can only be processed if they have a health above 75%.
In addition, the butchery is only open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Price: 179,000€
Daily maintenance: 179€
Cycles per hour: 1
Cost: 17€ per hour
Modell: Giants Textur: Giants Script: Achimobil, braeven Idee / Konzept: Switty Tester: Switty Sonstige: Freigabe von Chissel