Calmsden Farm Edit v2.0.1 FS22

Calmsden Farm Edit v2.0.1 FS22

Good afternoon friends. I present to you a slightly modified map of CALMSDEN. Although it was a great map before, but I also improved it and made it more playable.
And so. The main base has been redesigned, all hangars on it have been increased by about 1.5 times, a small platform for various purposes has been added. The terrain at the base has been slightly modified and improved. Since the base was enlarged in scale, the exterior of the base had to be completely redone, and it was made approximately similar to the default CALMSDEN card. The fields near the base are also slightly redone. A new exit towards the cowshed was added from the main base. The silo was moved to a more convenient location. On the old site of the silo there are now hangars for bulk crops (for hay, grass, etc.)
The city is a little embellished in some places, different vegetation and various objects have been added. In some places, collisions had to be removed on gates and wickets to improve playability. The respawn points of the character have been changed, the area around the house has been slightly modified.
Hangars have also been enlarged in the cowshed almost 2 times, now it is possible to place equipment there. Also, the area around the cowshed has been slightly redone.
The terrain and hangar were redesigned at the BGA, silos were added. A site for industrial buildings has been made near the BGA. Also nearby there is an ennobled field for self-plowing. There is an asphalt road to the BGA.
The chicken coop, stable, and sheepfold were slightly altered. Added gates to the pigsty and to the sheepfold. A passage to a hidden field near the stable was made.
The roads on the PDA have been corrected, but the site near the BGA on the PDA is not displayed, since the photo of the real area is embedded in the PDA and I would not like to change this photo.
The starting technique has been changed. Fixed various jambs on the map, slightly optimized. The snow mask has been modified. Field prices have been adjusted and reduced.
Friends, I redid the map for myself and did not coordinate it with the author. And now I’m sharing this map with you. If you find jambs or something that needs to be fixed, write in the comments. If possible, I will try to fix everything.

Oxygendavid, Matisse212

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10 Responses

  1. BANO says:

    looks nice , and would be a perfect card
    but I don’t understand why there is a hedge between the fields that cannot be removed
    if you want to connect 2 fields, then the hedge always remains
    so the card is unfortunately not for me

  2. baz90 says:

    i really hope u do another edit of the new version of calmsden buddy with the precision farming update keep up the good work this is awesome.

  3. Peter Chambers says:

    I have not been off the wonderful original map since it was released. I became a multimillionaire. The alterations you have made although subtle and restrained really do make a difference both to convenience and atmosphere. I thank you very much for your work. Thoroughly enjoying it.

  4. Ozan says:

    I downloaded the mao but unfortunately the triggers and the gates are missing. I continued to play anyway but I think I will be run out of fuel, can’t sell the products etc. Can anyone suggest stg abiut the situation? Am I doing stg wrong?

  5. jb says:


    This is a great edit, i would be happy if you would update it for Precision Farming !

  6. Tassie dave says:

    Any intentions to do the edit again but on the update. Version with precision farming and additional crop ? Your edit was great especially around the cattle barn made that area actually useful for storage with all the false bales gone

    • MagicMonk says:

      Yes, I would love to have this layout and extra storage as described above, with the linseed crop also and a custom Precision soil type.
      Great work and have not found any bugs as yet. 🙂

  7. Lee says:

    Awesome map but every time I install it, it will not save then when I go to play my other maps they will not save either

  8. BellaSin says:

    I love the camsden farm map. But sinds the update all the triggers for the existing animal pastures dissapeared. I can’t use the chicken, cow, sheep, pig and horse pastures anymore. Its such a pity. (I play on playstation 4 pro)

  9. Aaron says:

    Can’t buy the land for the secret field by the stables to work it

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