Click To Switch v1.0 FS22

Click To Switch v1.0 FS22
Click to Switch – Just click on a vehicle to enter it!
A quicker way of getting from a vehicle into another, which you can see from your current position, rather than cycling through your vehicles with a hotkey. With improovement for vehicles front loader and others.
Default Keybinds:
Mouse cursor on/off:
Right mouse click
Enter vehicle:
Left mouse click
Alternative keybind for Mouse cursor:
Right ctrl + C
Mouse cursor on/off alternative:
Left ctrl + C
Aaaaand where is the rest of courseplay? 😉
A month away. like the last one.
I know, just have some fun with the fact that this clicking function is a little annoying feature with courseplay. I would accept autodrive and AI Vehicle Precision mod sooner. But I understand this is a lot of work. I am probably updating this site 10-15 times a day. But fs22 is a much better game without it than fs19 was. I did`t play fs 19 the first month at all. So i am waiting AND playing this time. 😉