Concrete Rollers Pack v1.0 FS22

Concrete Rollers Pack v1.0 FS22
Grass rollers improve the yield of your grass fields. It is an old school way of farming, but concrete rolls have a long lifetime as well as low maintenance.
Model CR 190 / 190x)
Price: 5,000 €
Daily upkeep: None
Working width: 1,90 meters
Needed power: 30 hp
Working speed: 12 km/h
Configurations: Frame extension with extra attachers for combination of multiple rollers (price 250 €)
Combination: CR 190x can be combined with two CR 190 rollers wich brings to total work width up to 5,6 meters.
Activation: Press ‘B’
Model CR 290
Price: 5,500 €
Daily upkeep: None
Working width: 2,90 meters
Needed power: 35 hp
Working speed: 12 km/h
Configurations: None
Combination: None – it is highly recommended no to combine the CR 190x with the CR 290, this will change the behavior in the field and increase the turn radius.
Activation: Press ‘B’
Realistic Farmers
It’s a shame you cannot really combine a wider version 290 with 190 with 3 hook points.
When you do, for me the tractor was really struggling to drive.
Other than that, works fine.
Maybe the prices could be adjusted down a bit, seems kinda ridiculous for a concrete roller compared to other grassland rollers in the game.
Either I’m doing something wrong, the game is not properly reading the field state, or the rollers are not working somehow. Fields still showing “Needs rolling” state after going over them with these. I did press ‘B’ after connecting the roller and prior to moving, so… Idk.