Courseplay v7.0.0.18 FS22

Courseplay v7.0.0.18 FS22
Push Release
Some changes in the Job starting and stopping
Show course start/end on plot
Synchronize the cp job parameter between the in game menu and the mini gui
Turn fix and improvement
Added Interface function for AutoDrive
Added the Bale wrapper *1
Added Bale Loaders *2
Error popup on course generator error
Added a field margin setting to generator screen *3
Articulated vehicle reversing fix
Also fixes unfold for Ropa Harvester
More turn fixes and improovements
Attached harvester fix
Smal translation changes
Due to the confusion about our ‘mini HUD’, changed the actual display keybind to a proper name. At this point a huge thank you to our translators for doing such a great job.
*1 With the ‘start at’ option set to ‘bale collect/wrap’, and with a bale wrapper, CP will find all bales on the field and wrap them.
*2 For now, they just stop when full.
*3 This generate a new field boundary (smaller or bigger than the original) before starting the actual course generation.
This way, you can overlap the field border or get more distance to avoid obstacles that are to close to the field border.