Courseplay v7.3 FS22

Courseplay v7.3 FS22
Update Version
fix for #2655
fix for #2663
Push Release
Fixes the evaluation, if the cutter can be used for field work or not. #2638
Fix for #2643
Fix when more than one tool is attached.
Fix for proximity controller.+
Fix for #2656
Increase modDesc Version to 76 (Game Version
This is the pre-modhub Version.
If nothing more terrible happens, Update will be sent to modHub
Push Hotfix
fix for #2637
Push Release
Fixes a bug, where the startup message was not displayed.
Fixes a bug for the proximity sensor when using reversed cabin driving.
Added global setting for fruit destruction of helpers. (off, CP only, all Helper).
Added a proper offset setting to the HUD for bale collect/wrap mode.
Added a new feature, where the combine automatically can pick up the header from an attached trailer:
A new setting must be activated in the vehicle settings page under combine settings for this to work.
There are two use cases:
The player starts the harvester near a field with the cutter attached to the back, either on a trailer or an integrated cutter with trailer functionality.
Sending the harvester to a field with Giants or Autodrive helper.
The Trailer must be in a spot, where the combine has enough space to pick it up, reverse and then drive to the fieldwork course.
If there is not enough space, there is nothing we can do about it. Maneuvering within an AI needs some space.
Unloading the header after finishing work is planned, but has low priority.
IMPORTANT: Right now there is a mod conflict with the manual attach, this will be fixed in the manual attach mod in a later update.