Cowshed 3+3 v1.0 FS22

Cowshed 3+3 v1.0 FS22
Free-stall barn for 200 cows.
Feeding and water is possible in the middle of the cowshed.
Adding straw can be done in the middle of the stable near the frontdoor (MilkTank side).
Animals can be delivered using the doors at the right front of the building.
Manure can be removed and added using the 2nd door from the frontleft (next to the milktank), you need a skidsteer with small bucket for mucking out!
Cost: 300.000 $
Daily upkeep: 300 $
hello nice barn but it doesn’t accept hay bales.
Is het normaal dat men koeien geen melk produceren in jou stal ?
Is het normaal dat ik geen melk in de stal kan produceren