Drakurza V1.1.1.2 FS25

Drakurza V1.1.1.2 FS25
Welcome to the world of Drakurza.
– It’ a fictional map;
– it has: – 67 fields,
– a 1 MW BGA,
– enough empty space to build our ideas,
– animal dealer,
– transport, dead wood and destructable rock missions,
– A starter industrial park that can be expanded.
Add: a dairy and a grain mill factory are built into the map.
The dairy is near the Big Moo’s selling point, it is in the small building. The production point and the selling station are in front of the back door’s, the pallet area is on the left side.
I placed the grain mill factory next to the grain selling point. The production point and the selling station are in front of the entrance, in front of the flat, long building, the pallet area is in the left backyard.
Modified: Starter farm rebuilt.