DrentseVaart v1.0 FS22

DrentseVaart v1.0 FS22
Welcome to Drenstevaart!
This is a fictional map based of the Dutch landscape.
We have a small village and an industry terrain with alot of Factory’s.
– 217 Small and medium size fields
– Grass contracts
– Custom license plates
– Custom crop growth
– Start farm with equipment
– Small second farm
– 3 Buildable area’s
Errors and suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Credits:Tines Jan NL
the location icon off the vehicle shop is in the wrong spot its in a field not at the vehicle shop
the problem has been solved, soon a new version.
er zitten 50 errors in en er mogen wel wat meer boerderijen in en de wegen mogen wel wat groter
Alle percelen tussen de akkers en al het andere grond wat niet onder de akkers valt is 1 groot perceel. waardoor je €7,5 miljoen moet betalen om al die landjes te kopen. Kan dit in de volgende updates hersteld worden? Verder is het een mooie map.
why are there giant water holes in main courtyard?
We thought the cowshed 3+0 could open the manure pit.
Dont seem to be able to place fences anywhere. Middle of build area, flat grass land, collides with another object.