Erlengrat Edit Beta v1.0 FS22

Erlengrat Edit Beta v1.0 FS22
Alright, its a beta. I made a spot in the southwest corner of the map a bit flatter halfway down the hill. I also reworked the slopes and trees so we can get some nice hillside fields. Please comment on what you think. I spent a bit of time tinkering with the map. I also removed that ugly hotel and the campus so some logging can be done instead of that eyesore. Hope you all like it. Please send me comments on what you think should be changed next or any problems. Also I just placed these buildings here showing this is the spot you can build your own farm.
u did a nice job but i recoment some changes like i difrent starting aria for new farm like in the south west aria in new farm mode u have some problemwith flying buildings and meybe if poseble split several plats off in smaler fields there are some peaple who like to play on smaler fields