Farmhouse Package Volume 3 v1.1.0.0 FS25

Farmhouse Package Volume 3 v1.1.0.0 FS25
Old farmhouse package with 3 farmhouses in different texture variations and two sheds.
Changelog 1.1:
– Added decoprops to houses
– Added two new sheds
– Added texture variations
Farmhouse01 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50
Farmhouse02 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50
Farmhouse03 is old style
Category: Farmhouses
Price: $50.000
Monthly upkeep: $50
Brickshed1 is old style
Category: sheds
Price: $15.000
Monthly upkeep: $20
Brickshed2 is old style
Category: sheds
Price: $15.000
Monthly upkeep: $20
They’re all only visuals, not enterable.
Because they’re old, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on the upkeep.