Farming Simulator 22: Confirmed Features

Farming Simulator 22: Confirmed Features
While everyone gamer is waiting for Farming Simulator 22, we are collecting all information and confirmed features.
Here is what we already know:
- Farming Simulator 22 should be mainly technological and gameplay progress, not graphical.
- Seasons (Will is not the same as from the author of “Realism Modding” to FS 17/19)
- New crops (No info)
- 2 New Maps and an improved version of the map: Erlengrat (Alpine DLC)
- New machines, Brands (Over 400 machines and 100 brands)
- A new category of machines in the store .This is very much demanded from the community from FS 19, and GS pleaded. Nothing but specifically is known, it is said to be very exciting.
- New 3D interiors, trees (see a map from Alpine DLC)
- New redesigned crop and soil textures.
- Richer world (Maybe more animals? Better transport? Bigger AI life? Possibly some new surrounding details, eg how to map Erlengrat Alpine DLC).
- Removed the function of muting the sound when zooming out the camera in the 3rd person (A very popular thing FS19 by the community).
- More complex “customization” of modes.
- Differences in machine models in the US vs EU version
- Registration numbers/license plates on machines.
- Variation of machine weight depending on load.
- Possibility to select a gear (So far we do not know whether it is a complex transmission or a basic in the style of selecting the direction of travel).
Giants Engine 9
- Improved AI (Artificial Intelligence) behavior: “Giants say people will be overwhelmed by the adjustments and will no longer have to be afraid to turn on the helper”
- Texture Streaming The engine will load only the necessary textures in the game that is, it will not load all the textures in the game if it is not needed.
- Occlusion Culling Engine will load, display only objects that the player sees, everything behind the player, next to the player out of sight, or everything behind the “building” will be invisible to the game / PC Thus will not burden the PC
- Temporal Anti-Aliasing
- DX12 support for Windows
- Multi-thread Optimization for CPU / GPU
- Totally redesigned machine sounds from the beginning They will be much more realistic, even authentic.
- More slots for consoles, whether for old generation or next-gen consoles, thanks to better memory processing.
Farming Simulator 22 mods