Fed Production Pack v2.4.1 FS22

Fed Production Pack v2.4.1 FS22
Production Pack 2.4.1.
– Set butcher production cycles to 24 per day and slightly reduced running costs
– Moved the pallet spawner at the potato factory appropriately
– Fixed game crash bug with mutton palette
– Central warehouse construction plan collision with the car and the barrels in front of the building moved appropriately
– The display of the beverage hall was slightly further forward
– Info that the TH Animal Mod needed is deleted out
Production Pack 2.4
– The central warehouse is back with blueprint, 5 placeable pallet warehouses and central distribution area, complete assembly YouTube video episode 879
– Butcher rewritten to revamp with two new meats lamb and veal (depending on animal age and health)
FS22_TH_AnimalProduction is then no longer required, if necessary start the game and save it, then reload the save
– Fixed ground collision at the oil mill
– Cardboard pallet again slightly revised
– Palettes and beehive display in the orchards revised
– Raw materials from sacks (e.g. pellets), canisters (e.g. molasses) and the cardboard pallets produce some empty pallets (recycling)
– Changed the floor tiles of the pallet spawn areas of the potato factory, sugar factory, laboratory, brewery, and pellet factory
– Slightly reduced maintenance consumption for the electricity wind turbines and photovoltaic systems
Better late than never. This is now my FED production pack. The pack is a summary of all platziebare production mods from me.
The Fed Mods package currently consists of
Fertilizer Production (Turn manure and slurry into fertilizer)
Seed production (From grain such as wheat + fertilizer we seed)
Digester (From grass and / or chaff becomes silage)
Fodder factory (compound feed for cows and feed production for pigs feed)
Refinery (From rapeseed or sunflower becomes diesel and pig feed)
More mods will follow in the coming weeks / months.
Have fun with it
Idee / Konzept: FedAction