Fed Production Pack v3.5 FS22

Fed Production Pack v3.5 FS22
Moin folks,
– New production line insulation from hemp swath in the pulp factory
– New production line insulation from flax swath in the pulp mill
– New production branch for glass panes in the glass factory
– New window production branch in the carpentry workshop
– Recycling station with production of waste paper and glass
– Insulation, glass panes, windows, waste paper and waste glass installed in the central warehouse
– Waste paper can be used as a booster in the pulp mill
– Waste glass can be used as a booster in the glass factory
– Snack bar for the sale of fries, sausage, ketchup, mayo, mustard, beer and juice (payment in cash boxes)
– Slaughterer animals capacity increased to 100,000kg
– Dairy capacity for empty pallets increased
– New fermenter, slightly larger with more capacity and more production speed
– Fixed the fill level display for the new fruits at the vegetable factory
– Gravel plant produces slightly more sand
– Sawmill produces slightly more boards
Better late than never. This is now my FED production pack. The pack is a summary of all platziebare production mods from me.
The Fed Mods package currently consists of
Fertilizer Production (Turn manure and slurry into fertilizer)
Seed production (From grain such as wheat + fertilizer we seed)
Digester (From grass and / or chaff becomes silage)
Fodder factory (compound feed for cows and feed production for pigs feed)
Refinery (From rapeseed or sunflower becomes diesel and pig feed)
More mods will follow in the coming weeks / months.
Have fun with it
Idee / Konzept: FedAction