Fermenter v1.0 FS22
Fermenter v1.0 FS22
With the FS22 fermenter, you can produce silage without using a silo. You can make silage from grass and/or chaff. The digester has different speeds. At high speed, more raw materials are processed but the running costs are also higher.
In the fermenter, silage is made from grass / chopped material. Production per hour: 2000/5000 liters each, fixed costs 250.00, active production costs 15/50, capacity 1.2 million.
Price: 39 0000
Daily upkeep: 200
Species: Placeable
Type: production Points
Tab: factories
Im Fermenter wird aus Gras / Häckselgut Silage hergestellt. Produktion pro Stunde: je 2000/5000 Liter, Fixkosten 250,- Aktive Produktionskosten 15/50,-, Kapazität 1.2 Mio.
Idee / Konzept: FedAction LetsPlay FedMods
its cool man 😉
I Cant load silo into trailer