Flat Lands 4X PLUS v1.0 FS22

Flat Lands 4X PLUS v1.0 FS22
99% complete, few signs and deco left, all extra production from USA MAP PLUS works with this map also.
Large fields Plus new fill types and production crude oil pump and other triggers, Crude Oil Propane Anhydrous Dry Corn SUN CHARGE, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Fish and Sea Weed, for new feed mineral, changed round and square bale capacities, round and square of the same size now match each other in liters, with extra capacity added, anhydrous pallet added to be able to unload anhydrous anywhere, farm barn (FS22_Traditional_American_Barn no mod needed) with silo and trigger for grass, straw, and dry grass.
the day AFTER I post my sad edit of your original one! haha. I love this. really well done. Thank you 🙂
you have do great work on this map can’t wait until it is done I saw a few things…. at the grain mill you have a flowing object where you dump your load at
and a few other thing with thte train
change it so you can just but sections of the map, not the whole map. it is cheap but nothing to work for….
Dobrá mapa,má pár chyb,chtělo by to doladit,určitě ji chci hrát
some building`s are in the ground and offload of the grain dryer is flowing in the sky
but look very good !!!
Cannot hire worker.
My bad, it was a harvester header I just downloaded and it failsd on all map;s. Sorry.
grain mill tip point is in the air
the grain mill tip point is in the air
Love the map, however there are a couple of cement blocks in the fields that prevent any work being done on them. Please have a look.
If you read the desc.. it says 99% done… So give them time to fix bugs first, then finish the map and then say the problem is… But PARZIVAL take your time thou as the map is great at the moment. Can’t wait for it to be 100%
a few building and unloading ramps still floating but a very nice map TY
a few building and unloading ramps(like mill) still floating can you fix it’s?
a few building and unloading ramps still floating(like mill) can you fix it please
Love the map, played for an hour or so. Much like my old Flat Map farm i had on fs19. As some have already said, floating grain grid at the Grain Mill. Train bridge appears to be floating too and the train run off the bridge also. Looking forward to the updated map.
Can’t seem to work the Bio Gas plant. no triggers… Can’t buy it either.
Also the grain mill “drop point” is floting in the air.
I added a tailor and sugar mill too…
Is there anyone to fix and share the errors on this map? GIANTS Editor is not working for me.
Is there anyone to fix and share the errors on this map? GIANTS Editor is not working for me.
Great Map, and I’ve invested a lot of time on it. Since update 1.3 though the contracts don’t work properly and I keep getting boned on them. other than that the large field formats are totally my jam!
I highly doubt this map will ever be updated. The auther last updated it in january and has done nothing since.