Fox Farms v1.0 FS22

Fox Farms v1.0 FS22
Welcome to Fox Farms!
What the map provides:
– 22 field, 4 meadows (0.2-33.6ha)
– 1 Farm
– Fuel stations
– Water filling stations
– Filling station (seed, fertilizer, etc.)
– Cow pasture (objects: LazyEM)
– Open bunker silos
– 8 sale points
– Animal dealer
– Vehicle shop
– Mission system
Merci 😉
I have a problem to put straw for cow.. Anyone have same problem with me?
Hey just letting you know the AI workers don’t work for going to the fields in transport. They work doing ground work but not going to and from the fields
hello my partner loves your map on ps5 but theres a few issues. you have created fields too close to the boundry and she wants to make the corners 90 degrees and not round like you have them you cannot use the construction to alter can you edit the map and make the fields clear from the boundry thanks also the cow pen she wants to add the her own but you have points that cant be deleted please fix the map and update she likes how flat this one is
Hi l cant seen to repaint my Tractors and Machinery on this map ps4
Like the map. Only problems is when you want the AI helper to deliver a product, no destinations show on the option list. Thanks.
Its seems all contract work sell point is the animal dealer?
ciao bella mappa però c e un problema nella trebbiatura che c e un punto nel campo che si raggruppa tutta la paglia, per esempio nel campo 20
Thank you so much for making this map I really enjoy playing on it. One issue to note is you can’t sell vehicles at the shop repair spot.
Thanks again Todd
is their a way to remove the power poles on fox farm ? thx