FSH modding map v5.0 FS22
FSH modding map v5.0 FS22
I got permission from FSH modding as a map uploader, this is a particularly well done map, I just reloaded it. There are 4 animals in it, I put down more factories than the wood industry department, a season mask has been placed, it is worth selling 6 items in it. landscaping works, there are trees and bushes in it and even vines just need to be laid down.
Trees that I could replace colors change from spring to fall and winter. I tried to keep the map style of farming 15.67 There is land on the map, it can be bought, there are no quests. Thanks a lot to FSH modding for everything I could share with you. Good game added! Good harvest! unzip me, unzip the 2 zip files to the mods folder for the map to work perfectly.
Credits:Bala, Szmate, Pali97, Bazsiremap
and 5 minutes after i post this it seems the link has been updated…….
Helló. A legjobb térkép, amit hosszú ideje láttam, gratulálok. Remélem, folyamatosan frissítik, hogy minden alkalommal, amikor jobb, felülmúlhatatlan legyen. Nagyon szépen köszönöm. Üdvözlet Argentínából.
Google fordítás
Map nicely done but a lot is missing to the perfect. Street lighting does not work. Buildings and silos cannot be removed. No snow. Trees penetrate through vehicles. Still a lot of work to make it good. Field poultry should be painted so that you can glide and create a field.
sziasztok nállam nem birom ki nyit ni a kapukat meg nállam csak a térkép volt amit le töltöt
// MaciejCB // This is a HUNGARIAN MAP. We haven’t had snow here in years! : P