Hof Bergmann v1.4 FS22

Hof Bergmann v1.4 FS22
Changelog HB version
– Added rabbit meat and seeds (buying station) to the price overview
– Name of the village shop changed in honor of a very loyal Hof Bergmann player
– Added Italian translation (Thx to CAYMANN_LO_RE)
– Added Czech translation
Changelog HB Version Beta2 (Supporter)
– Unloading function on the boat fixed, boxes from the boat could not be unloaded
– Cattle breeding, fixed fill type settings removed from XML. Led to problems with M+ because the animalFood.xml was not used here
– Entrance gate in hop processing showed incorrect text, this has been fixed
– Hop production system speed doubled
– Hop sales price reduced slightly
– Removed snow shader from hop production hall
– Field 1 for bull breeding changed slightly so that it is not so close to the wall of the shelter
– Snow was displayed on the bull breeding in the jumping hall in winter, this has been fixed
– Hop plantation reduced in size by half, due to the high harvest effort in the SP alone it was almost impossible to harvest the hops in time before everything withered,
The capacity of the trailer was also increased by 5L and the hop yield was reduced, so you can harvest 2 entire rows with one trailer
– new field (Field50) added by halving the hop plantation
– LODs for hop plants installed in the hop trailer (performance optimization)
– LODs on the hop plantation adjusted slightly (performance optimization)
– Added LSFM hose function when breeding bulls at a manure pit
– Pulp/paper factory expanded to include a bale trigger, woodchips and Silphie bales can now be sold here
– Fixed floating trees (maybe there could be a few more)
Changelog HB Version Beta1 (Supporter)
– Language files updated for EN, ESP, FR
– Added hop bales to the sales overview
– Hop sales price slightly reduced
– Added missing description text for the chicken transport box, this was missing in the shop
– Splines corrected on curves, where traffic was a bit slow
– Chicken meat entries were missing in the points of sale, this has been fixed
– Removed unnecessary trigger entries from the chicken coops on the chicken farm
– Maize+ Animal Food Extension included with the map has been adapted for the new animal species
– Bale storage on the breeding facilities (bulls, pigs, poultry) assigned to FarmID1, solves the problem that the bales do not belong to you
– Fixed falling sign in Fuchshausen
– Composter pre-placed at the allotment garden (has FarmID1, but can be demolished)
Changelog HB Version Beta0 (Promo)
– Sawing accessories at farm 1 at the shelter were removed as they were no longer needed
– Fixed bug in Silphie typesetting machine
– Increased emptying speed for some objects and pallets
– Removed Clover Fermented from feed mixture in animalFood.xml (caused incorrect fill type in feed mix wagons)
– Texture of organic waste changed (filltype: organicWaste)
– Fishing speed has been increased slightly at fishing spots.
The insufficient speed meant that users with system settings above 90 FPS were no longer able to fish
– Corrected bale storage for pig breeding – all types of bales should now be able to be stored for straw
– More harvest missions and helper orders should now be possible in this version
– Collisions in forests removed (previous map boundaries)
– Fixed sizes for portable crates and objects (now have the correct dimensions)