Hormann Kuhstall Set v1.2.0.0 FS25

Hormann Kuhstall Set v1.2.0.0 FS25
Both cowsheds have space for 500 cows with an adjusted capacity
Trigger for manure output added.
In the game there is a problem that the connection from the manure heap to the cowshed is lost after saving and reloading.
I have built in a solution and added a trigger for the manure heap with which manure can now be removed from the cowshed.
Right next to the manure removal. To remove it, simply drive a trailer over the trigger and start filling with the R key.
If the problem is then resolved by Giants, the manure will then collect directly in the manure heap.
Have fun with my cowshed
Hörmann cowshed set:
Consisting of Hörmann large cowshed and
Hörmann cowshed with feeding robot
Both cowsheds have a beautiful wooden look exterior facade
and offer space for 500 cows.
The capacity has been adjusted accordingly.
– Feed 500,000 l
– Straw 150,000 l
– Manure 250,000 l
Monthly income of €480 from solar panels on the roof.
Purchase prices:
– Cowshed XXL €518,500
– with feeding robot €722,500