How to Harvest Wheat and baling Straw in FS22

How to Harvest Wheat and baling Straw in FS22
Today we are leaving our farm on Felsbrunn and moving on to the new farm on Haut-Beyleron. The journey to the new farm took us two hours and it was pretty good. When we arrived at the farm we did the tour and got to work right away.
We have a wheat field that needs to be harvested and for that job, we gonna use Deutz-Fahr Topliner 4090H. We used Massey Ferguson 3670 to move the header trailer to the field. Massey Ferguson 3670 has a manual transmission and it took me some time to learn how to drive it.
Then we got Massey Ferguson 6713 S and Brantner trailer to the field so we can unload the wheat. We jumped into a combine harvester and started cutting wheat. The yield was okay and the field was small. After we finished harvesting wheat we put it into the silo and then washed and parked Deutz-Fahr Topliner 4090H and header trailer with the header.
The last job was to bale the straw and collect the bales. We used Massey Ferguson 3670 with Massey Ferguson 1840 HD baler to bale the straw. When we finished with baling straw we cleaned and parked equipment that we used. Then it was time to collect HD bales and we used Steyr 8150 with a flatbed trailer.
Steyr 8150 also had manual transmission so it took me some time to learn how to properly shift. We loaded small straw bales onto the trailer by hand and it took us some time. We unloaded bales into a small shed and stacked them nicely. After that was done we cleaned and parked Steyr 8150 and trailer and then we headed into the house to unpack.
Credits:The CamPeR