Hydroponics Greenhouse v1.0 FS22

Hydroponics Greenhouse v1.0 FS22
This is a large hydroponics greenhouse. This greenhouse has a production rate that is two times greater than the basic greenhouse.
Input: Water and liquid fertilizer
Output/Produced: Tomatoes, lettuce and strawberries.
Price: 10,000 $
Daily Upkeep: 100 $
Capacity (water): 30,000 l
Capacity (liquid fertilizer): 3,000 l
Capacity/Storage (lettuce): 12,000 l
Capacity/Storage (tomato): 8,000 l
Capacity/Storage (strawberry): 24,000 l
Where do you unload the fertilizer?
Did you ever find the answer? I’m struggling as well
I need to know as well
Hey guys! Found it! MUST have a liquid trailer that has the liquid fert symbol. NOT just the liquids raindrop symbol.
Can’t figure out liquid fert either
Liquid fertiliser symbol when you buy the rouble is its best to buy a smaller capacity say less than 12,000 ltrs.
So maybe someone here can answer this/ help me. I have placed 3 of this mod (Hydroponics Greenhouse Large) the water & liquid fertilizer levels are full. I have tomatoes in the first one, strawberries in the second one, & lettuce in the third one. I also have all 3 on storing (in the outgoing products menu). I have checked in them everyday & I still haven’t had 1 single pallet spawn from any of them. So in the outgoing products menu it says right now tomatoes are storing 177L, lettuce are storing 88L, & strawberries are storing 355L. Ask I doing something wrong? I’ve put a decent amount of money into getting this working & I can’t even get the pallets. PLEASE HELP!