JCB Pack cx3/cx4 v1.0 FS22

JCB Pack cx3/cx4 v1.0 FS22
Many bugs fixed
Simple ic removed and replaced with Interactive Control
changed inside the cabin
added backhoe hydraulic sound
the overhead light is now flashing
leveling added
Collisoens added you can close and open with x and z
hydraulic breaker can now break dlc rocks
optional body added (Hood opens and closes with Interactive Control)
3d engine added
controls fixed and joysticks fixed
inside the cabin you will now see your character’s hands and feet
2 front tires can be removed as an explosion effect
rear window can be opened and closed
You can change addstrips as you wish.
lights bugs fixed and many lights deleted
the fouling effect has been erased (caused a lot of bugs and the car shines)
and more stuff added hope you like the update
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