John Deere 520 Flail Mower v1.0 FS22

John Deere 520 Flail Mower v1.0 FS22
PascalFSModding and I John Deere 520 Flail Mower from Fs15, with a Total Conversion to FS22 from Atakan. When I received Atakans conversion, it was bouncing in the shop, because the colision was too low n the ground, and it was barely impossible to turn with it attached to a tractor in the field because the friction of the wheels was way too high. Everything now work perfectly fine. Error Free.
Two version in the shop menu, one under: PowerHarrow Will cultivate the ground. (that version is the one Atakan wanted.
One under Mulcher: (shown in this video) the version I think suits the most this machine.
Go give Atakan a like on his page.
Merry Christmas to All
PascalFSModding: Original Model ReapersMods: Original Textures and Scripts And Part of New Script Atakan Modding: Adaptation of the model, Textures and SCript to FS22
Sorry to bother you but by any chance would you know who to contact about begging for the real Mower mod like they had in 19 that would cut down the brush also lol