John Deere 8030 Series v1.0 FS22

John Deere 8030 Series v1.0 FS22
This is my first conversion for FS22, its my 8030 series from John Deere.
True working ILS system (you can lift or lowerfront part of the tractor on left mouse button)
Rotateable seat with right mosue button
Motor config.
8130-8230-8330-8430-8530 with options for trully working AutoPower, IVT and PowerShift transmissions on all models
Versions config
Warning Signs config.
Wheel brand config.
Trelleborg, Mitas, Michelin, Continental, BKT, Vredestein (On Trelelborg, Mitas and BKTs are option for row crop wheels)
Wheel config.
(Standard-Wide)(+)(With wheel weights)(+)(Twin back wheels)/(Twin wheels)/(Twin (Back) Wheels+weights)
Front attacher config.
(None-Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-Front hydraulic)
Seats config.
(Active Seats-Leather Seats)
Front fenders config.
Back fenders config.
GreenStar config.
(No-Holder-Star Fire 3000-SF3000+Push Button-SF 6000)
Beacons config.
Front Cabine WorkLights config.
Side Cabine Worklights config
Mod is full animated (Pedals, reverser, transmission, thorttles..)
!!Log is clean and free of errors and mod is also tested on MP!!
Udruzenje Nezavisnih Modera, Custom Modding
Absolutely love this tractor. Looks great. Sounds great. ILS is amazing. Customization options are fantastic.
The only issue I seem to consistently have is the inability to toggle (on/off) implements with covers: trailers, fert/lime spreaders, etc.
They seem to work fine with other tractors (be they modded or from Giants), everything I use is up to date, and so on so I’m left puzzled, and assuming it’s some kind of bug or tweaks needed with the tractor, maybe?
All other functions of any other implement I’ve used with this tractor work perfectly fine though (of the few dozen I’ve tried). And if I open the cover of an implement with another tractor, fill it, and hand it back off to this John Deere they’ll still function perfectly fine, for the record… but obviously that’s a huge pain in the backside.
Aside from that though, as mentioned above, works a treat.
**If anyone happens to know if this ‘cover issue’ is on my end, please do let me know if you can find the time.
non è il suo sound reale, bensi una copia del 7810!! DA RIVEDERE. non utilizzabile per chi lo conosce realmente