Kiwi Starter 4x 22 v1.0 FS22

Kiwi Starter 4x 22 v1.0 FS22
Hey guy’s, Here is my very first map I did for Farming Simulator. Kiwi Farm Starter Map 4x. I never expected it to get the huge attention from players and by high demand, I converted it to FS22. I have changed a few things to suit FS22 play. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did converting it over. Stay safe.
Credits:Cazz64 O,A,G Buck Lonestar
And again same map been out for weeks
Kiwi Starter 4x 22 v1.0 FS22
FARMING SIMULATOR 22 MODS · 6 OKTOBER 2022. Auto’s rijden verkeerde vak (Engeland)
Bu harita neden ismi değiştirilerek defalarca paylaşılıyor.
Hello, I really like your map. But when I drive a vehicle to the outer fields, everything jerks and I can’t go any further. Maybe this has to do with the many trees closing the folder? My vehicle is no longer running is there anything you can do? again this is a beautiful map. Thank you!
Hello. AutoDrive is not working properly. There is also a small blue chair in field 23. The vehicle crashes into him during the harvest. You better fix it. The map is really beautiful. It would also be nice if you reduce the number of trees on the roadside.
Hola el mapa es maravilloso campos decentes espacioso me encanta, lastima que salen varios errores en el comando , buggs de vehiculos que medio vuelan y el trafico esta en 1/4 parte del mapa, hay zonas donde esta esfaltado pero nada en su interior solo en forma de pregunta tal vez algun error de comando sea por eso por falta de fabrica??.
A mi me funciona perfectamente el AutoDrive, repito el mapa es maravilloso muchissimas gracias por la obra maestra.
I like this map, but there are a number of glitches. When using helpers in some fields, they just randomly stop and skip certain parts of fields (16 and 25 found so far). Trying to level the ground just to the east of field 29, isnt levelling properly. It leaves spikes in the ground you cannot raise/lower or level. Selling buildings such as the spinnery, leaves the building there rather than remove it completely, which sucks. Wish we could also remove certain other things such as speed cameras (don’t see the point in them to be honest) and things like the log gateways.