Krampe SKS 30 150 New Generation 3 v1.0.0.0 FS25

Krampe SKS 30 150 New Generation 3 v1.0.0.0 FS25
Hello everyone today I post the Mod SKS 30 150 New Generation 3 for FS25, with new logos, the Krampus bucket has 10 different load capacity of 50,000 L / 500,000 L, other options will be added later, for more info see the photos attached thank you and good game to all.
A big thank you to “Romainyt” for help and confidence in his work for the retraining of this trailer.
If you spot problems, report them in the comments.
Any conversion or re-Upload is prohibited // Any modification (s) of the mod is strictly prohibited out of respect for my work.
BOB51160 romaainyt