Kverneland Feldspritzen (Manure Ready) v1.0 FS22

Kverneland Feldspritzen (Manure Ready) v1.0 FS22
Kverneland IXtraxT4 and IXterB18 from the modhub with connections for the Manure system
The file must be unpacked. It contains the 2 syringes
The normal pump speed is (B18 70L/sec / T4 90L/sec)
If you want, you can exchange the xmls in the real pump speed folder where, according to the data sheet, realistic pump speeds (B18 5L/sec / T4 10L/sec) are installed. If you want to adjust the speed yourself, use the line <manureSystemPumpMotor litersPerSecond=”10″ toReachMaxEfficiencyTime=”1100 “/> (before the I3dMapping) change the litersPerSecond=”–“.
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