La Campagne v1.0 FS22

La Campagne v1.0 FS22
Hello, a menu inspired by the Combraille Bourbonnaise includes 33 purchasable area small and medium plot.
It’s up to you to create your own farm, it has two empty zones in order to be able to create it:
1 cereal point of sale
1 a slaughterhouse (located behind the store)
Thank you for sending me your feelings of the map, good game everyone!
Looks nise but needs alot more work.
-sell points are at the bottem of the map inside! a tree area
-on easy i get no house, just some broken fences, i can see blue dots on the radar which i think are supposed to be vehicles but i can’t see nor can i enter them.
It’s no mans land with which he’s added fields too, hasnt even changed the description. Hope he’s learning whilst he’s adding stuff.
this map its great but plyz can you make for 2 farms whe want play witch friend which diferent farm but cant because first farm hold all o second farm cant do nothing its sad so plz update this map for many diferent farms can play ty