La Ferme Limousine v1.0 FS22

La Ferme Limousine v1.0 FS22
Today we present you our conversion of La Ferme Limousine, conversion done from V2 soilmod from FS15 to FS22.
The original map dating from FS13, and having no knowledge of 3D software, we had to change most of the buildings in favor of more recent buildings adapted to FS22.
For the purists, it’s not the same map because of the changed buildings, we are aware of it, however we invite the dissatisfied to do better than us…
The map has:
from a cattle farm
from a sheep farm
from a pig farm
from a grain farm
of a vegetable farm
of an ETA
of 128 fields
145 buyable areas
Animals from Team LSFM
of 10 new crops: durum wheat, spring barley, peas, flax, alfalfa, clover, spelled, millet, rye, triticale.
of a sheep pasture
of a cow pasture
The compost is integrated into the map and compatible with or without precision DLC.
Today, the team has noted some inconveniences, indeed the map is not compatible with the Maize Plus and the CSZ tool pack is also a problem. Clover and alfalfa bulk is not compatible with the Goweil LT Master and Vario Master. Apart from the mods mentioned above, the map is error-free and has been tested with more than 10 GB of mods in solo and on a dedicated server so you shouldn’t encounter any problems.
There are certainly things missing on the map, such as road and pedestrian traffic… However, please note that we made this map above all for our use within Team ASG, public sharing being only a plus and in order to test the community for our future projects…
Thanks to: Haryseb(original creator), LSFM(Farmer_Andy), Blacksheep Modding, CocoRico Modding, Farming Agency(The-Alien-Paul), MA7 Modding, L2C Modding, La Ferme du Chambret.
We extend our thanks for the tests: Romain and Cédric Gence, Team TFB, Team les mulots, Belgium Farmer, Katia.
Attention! Any changes to the map that would cause malfunctions are not our responsibility!
With that, wishing you a good game! Sincerely, Team ASG.
TEAM ASG Haryseb LSFM(Farmer_Andy) Blacksheep Modding Coco rico modding MA7 L2C MODDING SimulatorGAMES