Landownunda 16x v1.0 FS22

Landownunda 16x v1.0 FS22
Hey, all welcome to Landownunda 16x. Over a hundred fields ranging from small to large and if you are brave enough you can try our famous field 17! Custom crops and production and some mining that will keep you busy for days. Some custom productions as well. I would like to thank my yeam Cazz O.A.G Buck Lonestar Farming all of our testers Sarg Granny Darth Brando and Papa Smurf and his crew! We would also like to thank Chris Forsythe for his hard wprk creating the auto drive config for our maps lastly we would like to thank all of our dupporters for the support they all show stay safe CHEERS!
Credits:Cazz64 O.A.G Buck Lonestar Farms
$20 USD says I’ll find some unfixable error, get stuck, or have one of my trucks flip through the air never to be seen again within 1 hour of loading this for the first time.
well…??? pay up
But since you wanna be a smarta$$…grab a few semis and loaders and head out to the mining areas and do some terrafarming….then get back to me.
any reason im stuck inside the shop trying to buy something with the gates locked even though im in opening hours but cant open the gate
Send me an image so me and the creator can look at it
No entiendo para que tocaron el mapa,solamente tenian que reformar la parte para que el FS22 lo pudiera cargar hicieron un desastre con el terreno y el campo 17 les parece una gracia poner esos cacharros,que ridiculos que son!!!.
what is the compost used for in this map
Feeding the fruit trees
Great map but has a few issues. The roads are too narrow and the trees are way to close to roads.
Me and the creator are working on it we appreciate you feedback
my crops are withering before i can have them harvested, i have seasons turned of and i play at 0.5x timescale, but before the harvestor can make the second turn on the headland on Field 68 the crops are withered. do i have some settings wrong.
i really like the map but this bug or whaterver is cuasing it is kinda taking the fun out of it 🙁