Lizard STAC450 And EST-MATIC300 v1.0 FS22

Lizard STAC450 And EST-MATIC300 v1.0 FS22
Lizard STAC450 is a robust subsoiler for medium-sized 240 hp tractors, with a good working area and good construction, it allows maneuvering and greater agility of operation.
Price: 20000$
Category: Subsoilers
Working Width: 5.1m
Required Power: 240hp
Function: Plow, allows Field Creation
Dimensions: 5.2m x 4.9m
Weight: 5t
Configurations: STAC450 or EST/MATIC300 Decal Model
Colors: Base Color
Animations: Moving Rollers, moving cutting discs.
SrVertex, Tiik Modding