MAN TGX 26.640 HKL Rolland/IT Runner v1.5 FS22

MAN TGX 26.640 HKL Rolland/IT Runner v1.5 FS22
MAN TGX 26.640 HKL Rolland/IT Runner truck with various configurations. Containers from the Rolland Pack or those from the IT Runner can be used.
Changelog v1.5.0.0:
Rearlight fix
Hakenliftsilo configurable
Price: 180000$
Tires configurable
Lamp bracket configurable
Additional lighting configurable
Additional tank 490 –> 980 liters configurable
Beacon configurable
Rolland/IT Runner HKL structure selectable
Various finishes metallic, matt, chrome
Kastor/Steven(W7K) [D-S-Agrarservice]/Univers Simu Modding
Found your mod Feb 2024, Awesome Job, Thank You. Love that it actually works with the built in AI workers, eg movement orders around the maps, Had tried a play through before with a different MAN HKL and hkl trailer mods but gave up due to the mods unloading/unhooking container automatically when using the AI workers.
Do you have any plans on creating a hooklift trailer that behaves the same as the truck and wont auto unload when AI worker is hired?
Many Thanks – Rich