Mining Construction Economy Terrafarm Edition V2.0 FS22

Mining Construction Economy Terrafarm Edition V2.0 FS22
This is the version 2 MCE Terrafarm Edition.
On this version, you make your own Mine. I only leave a small layer of material to mark the area the rest is with you.
On this version to dig Lithium ore you need a Terrafarm version edited by me. You can download here:
Terrafarm allow exculping the terrain, pay attention and do not dig close the objects from the map or the map stay strange with some things flying. Use the areas i haved mark.
– adjust the gold processor production
– hotspot for mark the loading tires place on PDA
– discharge sounds for mining materials
– Fix the plates positions with material type on the stone crusher (again!).
– Add code to convert mining materials when using tools like mobile crushers.
Avoid unnecessary comments if you don’t like the mod don’t use, there are many mods to do the same.
Credits:Giants Nonnus FS Miner All modders made i3d models
Hey thanks for this man it is amazing. My question is. when you use the MCE edition of the mod do you need to have both installed or just one?
hey the map is great.. i cant figure out how to dig actually… i use an excavator but the ground wont lower or do something.. its just flat ground.. if anyone have any tips please let me know ! thanks !!
You can to enable terrafarming from the menu.
how do i get the wooden pallet in the construction section it doesn’t accept any type of pallet i tried
Hey, bom dia, eu já estava com a versão anterior, estou baixando esta nova versão para dar uma olhada, ocorre o seguinte hey, nas ares de produção (fábricas), na versão anterior vc coloca o material e a produção é instantânea oque não fica bom, acho que deveria ter um tempo de processo nas fábricas para ter mais sentido. Não sei se nesta versão esta corrigido isso. Obrigado